Bring Back the Floppy Disk! (Sort of)

You may think I'm a bit of a nostalgiac (and I am) for saying this, but we need to bring back the floppy disk. Okay, no. I don't mean the 1.44mb piece of plastic and metal that you used to hoard in the early nineties to store your compress…

Yes, Internet: You CAN Scar People

Ah the internet... it's a world completely within your browser, ready for you to explore. Ain't it great? If any of you can remember dial up and your first switch to high-speed internet, you might enjoy this article. This is about my initi…

9 Story, Please Don't Ruin Season 17 of Arthur

Like many people, I hold near and dear to my childhood. And most things from my childhood I still enjoy - The Brave Little Toaster, Arthur, etc. And some things that I didn't care for much when I was a kid, I like now (i.e. Mister Rogers).…

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Designs

I'm a gamer, and I really love the Animal Crossing series. I also like to draw, and I've made a few different designs on ACNL that I'd like to share via the QR Code feature. So, here they are. Wii U Shirt 3DS Shirt: Agricola Shirt: I thoug…

Why Blu-Ray Discs are Amazing

Optical discs are pretty great. They can store a good bit of data on a round, cheap piece of plastic. They certainly aren't perfect, though. They get scratched and broken and are a lot more vunerable than flash drives or say... VHS tapes. …


Time to get this blog set up o3o ... or not